7 tips for achieving stress free hair & enjoy every day!

In the modern age of information overload, where 1000’s of images, videos and advice are streaming direct into the palm of our handin an instant it can be really daunting and overwhelming to know how to decide how or what look to go for when it comes to achieving your very best hair.

Michelle’s advice is to keep everything simple when it comes to achieving and managing your best hair and find a stylist who is committed as you are in achieving your hair goals.

Before and after your visit your stylist here are my 7 tips for taking the stress out of having great hair! The key here is keep it simple.

1. Budget

Decide and allow yourself a monthly budget. One you can commit to for the next 12 months and stick to it. If you cannott afford a regular amount, ask friends and family to buy you gift vouchers for birthdays and Christmas which you can use throughout the year. But know up front what you are able to afford now and into the future.

2. Routine

Prioritise your hair appointments before anything else. Sheen clients with the best hair live by this rule and so do I. Everyone makes time for the things that are important to them. Assuming, achieving head turning, hair swinging fabulous locks is important to you, book all your appointments a whole year ahead, so everything else works around them. No excuses, make it happen. Being disorganised equals disappointment and bad hair days. And don’t worry we even send you a little reminder when the next appointment is due.

3. Look

Choose a look that not only suits your hair and face shape, but matches your personality and lifestyle too. From a busy mum, regular gym goer to a busy professional travelling around the world keep your hair looking its best with low maintenance style and colour, don’t be fooled into thinking this has to be plain and boring, speak to your stylist about your options. We may have something you haven’t previously thought of before.

4. Your Relationship

Your relationship with your hair needs to be like any other for it to look and behave its best and work with you. Accept and embrace the strands you have been dealt. Everyone is different as is your hair and the any stylist worthy of your trust will bring out the best of your natural hair . I once had two sisters as clients – one with curly hair and one with poker straight.

Yes, you guessed it – they both wanted what the other had. They spent years and years perming straight hair curly and curly hair straight (well I did!) trying to achieve what the other had. Complete madness!. Until one day one of them said to me “I’m tired of the stress my hair causes me trying to fight and keep up with it everyday.. I want my natural hair back” . and of course the siters couldn’t have the same hair so it wasn’t long before the other one followed suit. Back to natural she went. At last they followed my advice and as if by magic with the right cut and colour, the right routine at home, right products all used in the right way, both of their lives became sooooo much easier! I am all for enhancing what you have been given, this I believe is when your hair looks it best and becomes stress free. When we try too hard at anything its inevitable that something (or someone) is going to break.

5. Nothing is Permanent

Remember – nothing is permanent (not even permanent hair colour). Try different styles or colour often – its good for the soul. People can tend to fear change – with the “if it ain ’t broke, don’t try to fix it attitude” or what it is hate it? But for me keeping the same hair for more than a year or two criminal. Shake it up a little, let your stylist inspire you totry something different – a fringe, short to long, layers, bright pink, red flashes. Even changing the parting can give you a different look. Change doesn’t always mean drastic and disaster. Let us help you try something new next time you are in?. You may just wonder why you never tried it before!

6. Get out of Your Funk!

This is the time to have some fun.  A great stylist will create a look that is versatile – meaning you get more than one look from your style.  Your professional life may mean you have to play safe and be conservative during the week, but your boss don’t get a say at the weekend, remember! Throw caution to the wind and go for it! Time to jazz it up!  Wear a quiff, back comb, twist it, slick it, braid and plait it, accessorize and even use a bold pink or blue shampoo for the bold and daring kinda crew. 

Whatever you try, by Monday all can be gone with a hair wash and your boss will never know of your secret hair life!  Just make sure you block them on insta! 

7. Be Realistic

I say this with complete kindness. You may love the look of your favourite celeb or influencer, but in the dark world of filters, reels and videos, the end result may not always appear as it appears in real life. With clever editing, marketing and wigs and hair pieces, some looks are just not possible or even real. FACT. And on my final note, please please please do not follow any “education” videos showing you how to cut, colour or change your hair. It will and has ended in many many tears and costly salon bills when it all goes wrong. What you don’t get to see is the people who followed these videos who end up sitting in our salons looking for us to make their hair good again. It really isn’t worth it.. there is no quick or cheap fix to great hair, but there is enormous value in finding a hair expert who is solely focused on you achieving your best hair. Together we can make it possible.

Book online for a consultation to find out how we can create your best hair.


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Important Notice: Location Change

Dear valued customers,
Due to a considerable escape of water, our original premises have become uninhabitable.
As a result, we have temporarily relocated to:
Paris Moses, 30 Hill Street, Richmond, TW9 1TW
(Above Cocotte)
This change is effective immediately and until further notice.

Please note:

  • There is no WiFi at this location, which means our communications are not running at normal service.
  • You can reach us on our normal salon number: 020 8940 6464, if we do not pick up please leave a message, with name, telephone # and your reason for call.  
  • Email us at manager@sheensalon.com – we will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible.
  • This salon is located on the 1st and 2nd floors, accessible by stairs.
  • You can book online at www.sheensalon.com and see our stylists’ upcoming availability.
  • We only accept card or BACS payments.